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JAR Systems

Leasing and Rental Programs

JAR Systems provides a variety of financing solutions and related business services to our customers including a variety of leasing, renting and Hardware as a Service (HaaS) options.

Benefits of Financing for Your Organization

Financing preserves cash, protects credit lines, and is eligible for tax benefits. It also helps your organization budget monthly expenses.

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Up-to-Speed Technology

Technology is evolving at an accelerated rate. A predictable budget lets you upgrade to stay up-to-speed with technology's pace.

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Control IT Costs

A predictable monthly cost is easy to budget for without surprise spending. Understand future technology costs and plan ahead accordingly to scale your service with their growth.

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Maximize Efficiency

Proactive support means most problems are fixed before they happen. Even when one does happen, there's less downtime for better peace of mind.

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Free Up Cash

Use capital for revenue generating activity rather than big spends on IT equipment. This lets you make the most out of your capital expenditure dollars.

Products and Services

Lease, Rental and Hardware as a Service (HaaS)

A variety of lease, rental and HaaS options are available to meet your business needs. We use a consultative sales approach to develop financial programs that work for our customers and we support our customer throughout the entire financing process to ensure a seamless, positive experience.

Hardware as a Rental (HaaR)

Hardware as a Rental combines the best attributes of Hardware as a Service (HaaS) and equipment financing. HaaR gives you a one-invoice solution for all hardware, software, installation and services.

Bundled Billing

We provide convenience to our customers by offering the ability to bundle equipment, installation, professional services, service coverage, warranties, and software on a single invoice. We will send you a professional invoice that is easy to understand. Bundled billing allows our customers to acquire a total solution on a single invoice.

Step Payment

Tailored to meet the cash flow realities of your customer. A step payment plan matches payments to revenue.

Future Funds

Offers our customers the flexibility to get their equipment now and have up to 6 months to decide how they want to pay for it. Ideal for businesses who need to manage their capital and operating budgets.


90-Day Deferred

A simple deferred payment structure that allows a business to begin utilizing their equipment before having to make payments.

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